
Water & Energy Conference held - Water Innovation Europe 2019 (WIE 2019)

The 2019 Water Innovation edition – ‘Water meets Energy, Energy meets Water’ was successfully held on the 13th of June in Brussels with about 230 participants joining the conference.

The 2019 Water Innovation edition – ‘Water meets Energy, Energy meets Water was successfully held on the 13th of June in Brussels with about 230 participants joining the conference.


Water and energy are essential for our society and economy and connected through many interdependencies. Furthermore, water and energy services are also both addressed by the 2030 Agenda for SDGs with remarkably similar goals and targets that are centred around universal access, resource efficiency, renewables and reuse, technology and innovation, and international cooperation.


The conference focused on:

  • What water services can learn from energy services to realize and recognize the value of water for our society and economy.
  • Exploring the interdependencies between water and energy services.
  • How to build environments that will promote cross-fertilization in the management of both resources as well as how water services and energy services can join efforts to achieve a society that is both water-smart and energy-smart.

The conference materials are available at the following link.