
Kick-off meeting of the 1st Water JPI TAP held on 12 June, 2019 – Dublin, Ireland

The first Water JPI Thematic Annual Programming (TAP) action is on the topic of Ecosystem Services (SRIA sub-theme 1.1). The Kick-off meeting involved 21 participants from 16 organisations and included 8 countries. Participants met to identify synergies and shared outputs that could be achieved over the 2-year lifetime of the TAP.

The first Water JPI Thematic Annual Programming (TAP) action is on the topic of Ecosystem Services (SRIA sub-theme 1.1). The Kick-off meeting involved 21 participants from 16 organisations and included 8 countries. Participants met to identify synergies and shared outputs that could be achieved over the 2-year lifetime of the TAP.


Learnings from the experience of FACCE JPI TAP Soil provided a useful backdrop to discussions which were also informed by the details of the 6 participating project teams from Spain, The Netherlands, Ireland and Finland. Over the break-out sessions the participants identified areas of added value that the TAP could progress. The next steps for the TAP are to complete and then deliver their Implementation Plan. All presentations and the proceedings will be made available from the Water JPI website.

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Participants at the meeting of the 1st Water TAP Action (12th June 2019) Dublin, Ireland.