
Funding Call BiodivERsA announces joint call on Biodiversity and Climate Change

BiodivERsA announced the launch of its next joint call on the following topic: Biodiversity and Climate Change.

BiodivERsA announced the launch of its next joint call on the following topic: Biodiversity and Climate Change. This call will cover the following four non-exclusive themes:


  • Consequences of climate change on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people
  • Climate-biodiversity feedback processes
  • Potential of nature-based solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate change
  • Synergies and trade-offs between policies on biodiversity, climate and other relevant sectors, and the role of agents of change


BiodivERsA is a network of national and regional funding organizations promoting pan-European research on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The call is planned to be launched on 2 September 2019, with a closing date of 10th April 2020 (and with a mandatory submission of pre-proposals by 5th November 2019). The BiodivERsA Partner Search Tool is available at the following link.