
2nd Mobility and Research Infrastructures Workshop held on 6 June, 2019 – Rome, Ita-ly

Mobility and water-related Research Infrastructures were identified by the Water JPI in its Implementation Plan as ‘other relevant instruments’. This would support the Water JPI community and its network within the Additional Activities of the ERA-NET Cofund program WaterWorks2015.

Mobility and water-related Research Infrastructures were identified by the Water JPI in its Implementation Plan as ‘other relevant instruments’. This would support the Water JPI community and its network within the Additional Activities of the ERA-NET Cofund program WaterWorks2015.


Mobility actions can involve capacity transfer of individual persons working or visiting a place that is not the one they belong to (foreign Institutes, other sectors), or the exchange of larger groups such as among research infrastructures. The platform aims to be an important tool for supporting mobility actions and promoting access to research infrastructures within the entire water community.


Following on from the first workshop held in June 2018, a second event took place in Rome at Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies (MIPAAFT) on the 6th of June 2019. It provided the opportunity to exchange views on the findings/recommendations from the first workshop and from the Water JPI Task Force on Research Infrastructures. A representative from ENVRI Ari Asmi from the University of Helsinki, was invited to present the work of ENVRI Community. This is a community of Environmental Research Infrastructures, projects, networks and other diverse stakeholders interested in environmental Research Infrastructure matters. The workshop facilitated discussion about next actions on mobility and research infrastructures within Water JPI Community by also presenting and reviewing the new Water JPI platform for Mobility and Research Infrastructures that is in preparation.