
Submission of the ERA-NET cofund proposal aquatic pollutants in support of the Water JPI, JPI Oceans and JPI AMR

One of the most serious risks for our water bodies and oceans and consequently human health derives from the occurrence of emerging pollutants and pathogens, especially antimicrobial resistant bacteria, in the environment.

One of the most serious risks for our water bodies and oceans and consequently human health derives from the occurrence of emerging pollutants and pathogens, especially antimicrobial resistant bacteria, in the environment. To face this challenge in a comprehensive way and to provide multidisciplinary solutions for a safe and healthy aquatic environment, a collaboration of the three JPIs on Water, Oceans and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) will be carried out.
32 partner institutions from the three JPIs and from 26 countries in total have joined forces to address the topic risk management of emerging pollutants and pathogens. The consortium, under the leadership of Germany (JÜLICH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF) submitted a proposal to the Horizon 2020 (H2020) call SC5-21-2019-2020: Risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water resources. Germany will also be responsible for the call secretariat and therefore manage the joint transnational call for proposals, which is planned to be announced at the beginning of 2020.
The partnership in the proposed AquaticPollutants project is widely spread across EU geographic regions. This ensures coverage of a wide range of the aquatic ecosystems and related industries necessary to address European freshwater, marine and health challenges. The consortium consists of 17 EU member states, four associated countries and five third countries beyond Europe. A further strengthened link to the European and global community is visualized for the future generated.