Special issue in chemosphere on "Urban wastewater reuse and chemical contaminants of emerging concern"
This special issue addresses the topic of organic contaminants of environmental concern (CECs) in relation to the reuse of treated municipal wastewater and linking its impacts to environmental and human health. Contributions are accepted up to 30th April 2019 in the following thematic areas:
• Thematic area 1: fate of chemical contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in urban wastewater treatment plants;
• thematic area 2: chemical CECs: from urban wastewater treatment plants to the environment;
• Thematic area 3: emerging processes and technologies to meet urban treated wastewater reuse requirements in relation to chemical CECs;
• Thematic area 4: bioassays/tests to support urban treated wastewater quality management;
• Thematic area 5: risk assessment and policy development to tackle chemical CECs in the urban water cycle.