Newsletter 05 June 2018
Harri Hautala - Academy of Finland
Despo Fatta-Kassinos - Nireas-IWRC, University of Cyprus
Lida Ioannou-Ttofa - Nireas-IWRC, University of Cyprus
Water JPI Management Board meeting – Stockholm, Sweden - 24 May 2018
The Water JPI held its 16th Management Board meeting in Stockholm with the main objective to progress on decisions taken by Governing Board members during their meeting in Cyprus on 9 May 2018, in particular next steps for the renewal of our Advisory Boards, and remaining issues related with the sustainability of the initiative.
The Water JPI held its 16th Management Board meeting in Stockholm with the main objective to progress on decisions taken by Governing Board members during their meeting in Cyprus on 9 May 2018, in particular next steps for the renewal of our ...
The Water JPI held its 16th Management Board meeting in Stockholm with the main objective to progress on decisions taken by Governing Board members during their meeting in Cyprus on 9 May 2018, in particular next steps for the renewal of our Advisory Boards, and remaining issues related with the sustainability of the initiative. Other items addressed included the follow-up of on-going activities, the development of the new website and the organisation of various events. In particular, Management Board members exchanged on the state of preparation of the Water JPI workshop for the development of Mobility and Infrastructures platforms to be held in June in Rome, and the JPI event organised in Vienna on 20th September 2018, which is oriented towards the promotion of the JPI experience, presenting main outcomes and demonstrating the JPI impacts.Moreover, this meeting provided the occasion for sharing and validating the updated version of the Water JPI Privacy Policy, in line with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Water JPI partners, researchers, stakeholders and, in general, the whole Water JPI community, were informed about the transposition of the new Regulation. For any further information, please consult the Water JPI Privacy Policy available online.
Water JPI 2018 Conference – Helsinki, Finland - 6-7 June 2018
The 2nd Water JPI Conference on “Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems” was held in Helsinki on 6-7 June 2018. Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems is a very topical theme: the provision of safe water for drinking purposes is threatened by the improper disposal of chemicals, animal and human waste, pesticides, emerging pollutants.
The 2nd Water JPI Conference on “Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems” was held in Helsinki on 6-7 June 2018. Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems is a very topical theme: the provision of safe water for drinking purposes is ...
The 2nd Water JPI Conference on “Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems” was held in Helsinki on 6-7 June 2018. Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems is a very topical theme: the provision of safe water for drinking purposes is threatened by the improper disposal of chemicals, animal and human waste, pesticides, emerging pollutants. On this occasion about 200 experts were gathered from 25 countries to share visions, inputs and outcomes of their research and knowledge on the nature of emerging contaminants and their behavior, on new approaches for managing the corresponding risks and solutions for treating and restoring environments. Regarding the political perspective, the contribution of the Finnish Minister of the Environment, Energy and Housing, Mr. Kimmo Tilikainen, who opened the Conference, was significant. He emphasised that the most important role of Policy Makers is that of choosing properly the objectives to pursue, in order to have a common and sustainable vision. Later on, the Head of the Eco-Innovation Unit of the EC, Mr. Pavel Misiga, stressed two aspects in line with the Water JPI challenges: the importance of complying with the actual European Regulatory Framework, which is periodically under revision, and the importance of aligning policies with “Research and Innovation” results. To this purpose, the foreseen revision of the Water Framework Directive will be a good opportunity to support a broader dialogue between Policy Makers and Researchers.
In advance of the Water JPI Conference the seven projects funded under Water JPI Call Pilot 2013, had their final evaluation meeting on 4 June,. All seven project presented their final results and outcomes of the projects to the Call Follow-up Group, which included interactive sessions led by Chair Steven Eisenreich from Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Based on the discussions and outcomes, the Pilot Call with approximately 9 M€ funds, demonstrated major value for money. In summary, all seven projects, ensure major connectivity with partners and in some cases other projects, exchanging knowledge, achieved the planned objectives and a number had even broadened and exceeded their original goals. In particular the scientific outputs of the projects is considered to have a very high impact with regard this research topic and is undoubtedly very timely.
On June 5th, a special Policy Brief workshop was held for the projects. The aim of this workshop was to produce a draft joint policy brief related to the contaminants of emerging concern, that the projects had prepared during the spring. The main aim of this paper is to present the most important key messages derived from the projects, to a tragetted audience namely the decision- and policymakers. The workshop, included two outstanding keynotes by Prof. Annemarie van Wezel (Utrecht University/KWR Watercycle Research) and Prof. Norbert Kreuzinger (TU Wien), both discussing what they see as critical to ensure the scientific message is brought across in a language allowing the outcomes to have maximum influence on those who make major environmental decisions on behalf of citizens but based on sound and robust science. So how do you finalise the main messages for an influential policy brief. As a fruit of their achieved results, the projects worked out 15 key results/messages, which were presented to the public audience at the Water JPI Conference on June 6th. The projects concluded, for example, that a harmonized policy strategy that would consider the entire water cycle, including also water reuse, is urgently needed and that several new efficient methods to tackle the obvious problems that contaminants of the emerging concern cause, are urgently needed and novel methods have been found, from their research. The Policy Brief will be published officially later in the autumn 2018 by Water JPI.
The Photo Competition for the 2nd Water JPI Conference - Helsinki, Finland - 6 June 2018
The Water JPI launched a Photo Competition and the Research and Innovation Community was invited to take part by submitting photographs illustrating the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda thematic areas.
The Water JPI launched a Photo Competition and the Research and Innovation Community was invited to take part by submitting photographs illustrating the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda thematic areas. Photos were submitted from ...
The Water JPI launched a Photo Competition and the Research and Innovation Community was invited to take part by submitting photographs illustrating the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda thematic areas. Photos were submitted from different countries such as Finland, France, Italy, Ghana, Turkey, Ireland, Tunisia and Portugal. Among all the photos submitted, the Water JPI jury selected 21 pictures and published them on the Instagram profile where the community was able to vote. After a selection made by the jury, taking into account criteria such as the visual impact, the originality and the message delivery capability, the top three photos were announced during the Conference. The first place has been awarded to the photo Water reuse, Illuminating the road to sustainability by Alessandro Vivaldi (Italy), the second one to the photo Solar water disinfection in a Ugandan Primary school by Kevin McGuigan (Ireland). The third place was decided by the vote of the attendees at the Conference to the photo The other side of the Tiber by Franco Iozzoli (Italy).
First place: Water reuse, Illuminating the road to sustainability by Alessandro Vivaldi (Italy)
Second Place: Solar water disinfection in a Ugandan Primary school by Kevin Mcguigan (Ireland)
Third place: The other side of the Tiber by Franco Iozzoli (Italy)
All selected photos are presented on a video available on Water JPI website. According to the terms and conditions of the competition, the photos submitted will be used for future Water JPI communication and dissemination activities with the ad-hoc credits. Many thanks to the researchers who took part in the initiative and submitted photos.
New European Regulation for Water Reuse
The Regulation recently proposed by the Commission aims at alleviating water scarcity across the EU, in the context of adapting to climate change. It will ensure that treated waste water intended for agricultural irrigation is safe, protecting ...
The Regulation recently proposed by the Commission aims at alleviating water scarcity across the EU, in the context of adapting to climate change. It will ensure that treated waste water intended for agricultural irrigation is safe, protecting citizens and the environment. The new rules consist of: a) minimum requirements for the reuse of treated waste water from urban waste water treatment plants, covering microbiological elements (for example, levels of E. coli bacteria) and monitoring requirements for routine and validation monitoring. Setting minimum requirements will guarantee that reclaimed water produced in accordance with the new rules will be safe for irrigation. b) risk management whereby any additional hazards must be addressed for water reuse to be safe. c) increased transparency. The public will have access to information online about water reuse practice in their Member States.
The World Water Development Report 2018
The 2018 edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR 2018) seeks to inform policy and decision-makers, inside and outside the water community, about the potential of nature-based solutions (NBS) to address contemporary water management challenges across all sectors, and particularly regarding water for agriculture, sustainable cities, disaster risk reduction and improving water quality.
The 2018 edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR 2018) seeks to inform policy and decision-makers, inside and outside the water community, about the potential of nature-based solutions (NBS) to address contemporary water management ...
The 2018 edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR 2018) seeks to inform policy and decision-makers, inside and outside the water community, about the potential of nature-based solutions (NBS) to address contemporary water management challenges across all sectors, and particularly regarding water for agriculture, sustainable cities, disaster risk reduction and improving water quality.
Project ANSWER. Assoc. Prof. Despo Fatta-Kassinos, Dr. Lida Ioannou-Ttofa.
In response to the increasing problem of water shortage, the reuse of treated urban wastewater is considered as the most suitable and reliable alternative for sustainable water management and agricultural development. Although wastewater reuse is accompanied by a number of benefits, several important questions are still unanswered and barriers exist regarding the safe and sustainable reuse practices. It is well-known that the available conventional technologies fail to completely remove several chemical and biological contaminants of emerging concern, such as antibiotics (A) and mobile antibiotic resistant elements; antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes (ARB&ARGs). The latter are now considered as a serious public health problem by the scientific community, because of their spread in the environment, the food chain, drinking water, etc.
The EU funded project, ANSWER “Antibiotics and mobile resistance elements in wastewater application: risks and innovative solutions is a Marie Curie Training Network, which supports 15 Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) in an interdisciplinary training network to investigate the highly complex factors driving antibiotic resistance propagation in the framework of urban wastewater reuse, in order to assess the relevant environmental and public health risks.
This pioneering project aims at substantially contributing to the relevant EU wastewater policies, by providing valuable contributions for guidelines and recommendations for sustainable wastewater reuse. Novel protocols/systems for the identification of relevant micro-contaminants have been and/or are being currently developed in the framework of ANSWER, particularly for wastewater, for soil where irrigation is taking place, groundwater, in crops and in surface water that serve as storage before reuse. Moreover, soil amendment strategies are being explored, in order to reduce their bioavailability during irrigation. The fate of A&ARB&ARGs during activated sludge treatment is being also investigated and modelled, while innovative and advanced wastewater treatment technologies are being evaluated for their potential to minimise the risks related with these micro-contaminants in downstream environments. Relevant Emission-Limit Values (ELVs) will be determined, essential for the development and implementation of regulatory frameworks. The outcomes of the ANSWER project will contribute to understanding the fate and transmission of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance from wastewater to the environment and humans, through soil, ground/surface water and crops.
Horizon Europe: the most ambitious Research and Innovation programme
For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing €100 billion for research and innovation, the most ambitious research and innovation programme ever.
For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing €100 billion for research and innovation, the most ambitious research and innovation programme ever.
The new programme – Horizon Europe – will build on the achievements and ...
For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing €100 billion for research and innovation, the most ambitious research and innovation programme ever.
The new programme – Horizon Europe – will build on the achievements and success of the previous Horizon 2020 and keep the EU at the forefront of global research and innovation.
About two-thirds of Europe's economic growth over the last decades has been driven by innovation. Horizon Europe is expected to generate new and more knowledge and technologies, promoting scientific excellence, and to have positive effects on growth, trade and investment and significant social and environmental impact.Each euro invested by the programme can potentially generate a return of up to 11 euro of GDP over 25 years. Union investments in R&I are expected to directly generate an estimated gain of up to 100 000 jobs in R&I activities in the ‘investment phase' (2021-2027).
Commission proposes to increase funding to support the environment and climate action
The LIFE programme is among the EU funding programmes for which the Commission is proposing the largest proportional increase, with a budget of €5.45 billion between 2021 and 2027.
The LIFE programme is among the EU funding programmes for which the Commission is proposing the largest proportional increase, with a budget of €5.45 billion between 2021 and 2027. The Commission has integrated climate action into all major EU ...
The LIFE programme is among the EU funding programmes for which the Commission is proposing the largest proportional increase, with a budget of €5.45 billion between 2021 and 2027. The Commission has integrated climate action into all major EU spending programmes, in particular cohesion policy, regional development, energy, transport, research and innovation, the Common Agricultural Policy as well as the EU's development policy, making the EU budget a driver of sustainability. To implement the Paris Agreement and the commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Commission proposes to raise the level of ambition for climate financing across all EU programmes, with at least 25% of EU expenditure contributing to climate objectives.
Tampere, Finland, 6th International Dry Toilet Conference
The Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland organises an International Dry Toilet Conference every three years in Tampere, Finland.
The Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland organises an International Dry Toilet Conference every three years in Tampere, Finland. The 6th International Dry Toilet Conference will take place at Hiedanranta on the theme “Dry Toilet Goes Circular”. ...
The Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland organises an International Dry Toilet Conference every three years in Tampere, Finland. The 6th International Dry Toilet Conference will take place at Hiedanranta on the theme “Dry Toilet Goes Circular”. The conference is an excellent platform for all actors working with ecological sanitation to network and share their ideas and experiences on dry toilet technology, nutrient recycling and ecological sanitation. Further details about the event can be found here.
II International Young Scientists Forum
The forum will address challenges/actions of soil and water management in the changing world
The forum will address challenges/actions of soil and water management in the changing world, Climate change and human impacts as a drivers of erosion, sediment dynamics, and river morphology transformation.
The forum will address challenges/actions of soil and water management in the changing world, Climate change and human impacts as a drivers of erosion, sediment dynamics, and river morphology transformation.
IWA Congress 2018
The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition brings over 5,500 water
The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition brings over 5,500 water, environment and related professionals from more than 100 countries and offers new insights into how pioneering science, technological innovation and leading practices shape the major ...
The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition brings over 5,500 water, environment and related professionals from more than 100 countries and offers new insights into how pioneering science, technological innovation and leading practices shape the major transformation in water management that is underway.
Water Tech Week
Innovation, technology and policy leaders from companies, universities and governments get together during several events.
Innovation, technology and policy leaders from companies, universities and governments get together during several events. EWTW 2018 will, among others, feature the Wetsus Annual Congress 2018, Water Alliance WaterLink2018 and a dedicated trade ...
Innovation, technology and policy leaders from companies, universities and governments get together during several events. EWTW 2018 will, among others, feature the Wetsus Annual Congress 2018, Water Alliance WaterLink2018 and a dedicated trade show.
All of this will be accompanied by a unique cultural programme linked to water, to celebrate Leeuwarden’s official status of European Capital of Culture in 2018. The event will focus on the question of how multidisciplinary cooperation can help to solve societal challenges around water. Issues like water scarcity, water pollution and water and health will be on the agenda, just like the water sector’s contribution to the circular economy. It is possible to register here.
SISC Sixth Annual Conference
“Recent trends in climate sciences, adaptation and mitigation” is the title of the SISC Sixth Annual Conference.
“Recent trends in climate sciences, adaptation and mitigation” is the title of the SISC Sixth Annual Conference. The Conference aims at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose ...
“Recent trends in climate sciences, adaptation and mitigation” is the title of the SISC Sixth Annual Conference. The Conference aims at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies. The Conference is an important interdisciplinary platform for the presentation events of new advances and research results in the fields of science and management of climate change.
16th EUROPE-INBO 2018
The aim of the International Conference will be “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN WATER DIRECTIVES”
The aim of the International Conference will be “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN WATER DIRECTIVES”, it will be organized around a preparatory workshop and 4 roundtables in plenary sessions on the updated issues of the practical implementation of the ...
The aim of the International Conference will be “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN WATER DIRECTIVES”, it will be organized around a preparatory workshop and 4 roundtables in plenary sessions on the updated issues of the practical implementation of the Water Framework Directive and other European Water Directives, especially the Flood Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. A technical visit will be organized on Saturday 20 October to discover the hydraulic installations of the 1992 Universal Exhibition site on the La Cartuja island, and the emblematic monuments of Seville history, such as the Spain Square (Ibero-American Exhibition of 1929), and, in the old town, the Cathedral and its Giralda and the Alcazar.
Our Future Water
Young Water Leaders was launched in September 2017 to connect current leaders with future leaders.
Young Water Leaders was launched in September 2017 to connect current leaders with future leaders. This is Young Water Leaders’ first global event that brings current and future leaders together to build a water-secure world. Young Water Leaders ...
Young Water Leaders was launched in September 2017 to connect current leaders with future leaders. This is Young Water Leaders’ first global event that brings current and future leaders together to build a water-secure world. Young Water Leaders Berlin involves an array of over 15 interdisciplinary national and international speakers addressing how we can achieve water security. With extensive networking opportunities throughout the day, enhance your knowledge, make new contacts, and be part of the future of water management.