
Water4All Partnership 2023 Joint Call Pre-Announcement

The Water4All Partnership just pre-announced its second Call for September 2023.

The upcoming Joint Transnational call for research and innovation on “Aquatic Ecosystem Services” is an effort of Funding Organisations from 30 countries all over Europe and beyond.

Research and innovation proposals submitted under the Water4All 2023 Joint Transnational Call will be required to address at least one of the following topics:

  • Topic 1. Mapping, monitoring, and assessment for a better understanding of ecosystem services in a context of changes, from local to global change.
  • Topic 2. Understanding and predicting multiple pressures (including anthropogenic pressures) - impact – response relationships in ecosystem services through advanced methods and techniques.
  • Topic 3. New tools and solutions for a better integration of ecosystem services into the management of water resources.

For more information on eligibility criteria, dates and more please visit the Call webpage: