
The SD-WISHEES project’s logo is now available

The Coordination and Support Action on “Supporting and Developing WIdening Strategies to tackle Hydroclimatic Extreme Events: impacts and Sustainable solutions for cultural heritage” – SD-WISHEES – has been officially launched in March 2023 in Bari, Italy.

SD-WISHEES is a project funded by the Horizon Europe widening work programme that aims at the protection of cultural heritage in the face of hydroclimatic extreme events. The project gathers 16 members, some of them partnering in the Water JPI (ANR from France, EWA from Malta, MUR from Italy, and the National Authority for Scientific Research from Romania). Running for four years, the project is coordinated by Dr Antonio Lo Porto (CNR, Italy, and former representative of the EurAqua network in the Water JPI’s Advisory Board).