SD Wishees project kick off meeting in Bari, Italy
The SD-WISHEES (Supporting and Developing WIdening Strategies to tackle: impacts and Sustainable solutions for cultural heritage) will hold its kick-off meeting in Bari on the 6th – 8th Mars.
The aim of this project is to enable collaboration between national research and innovation funding members to address together the protection of cultural heritage in Europe and beyond in response to hydroclimatic extreme events. Its gathers 16 partners – two of them as associated partners – including programme owners, research performing organisations/ academia, foundations and private companies. This project is the result of a joint effort between the Water JPI, JPI Climate and PRIMA. The project will last four years and amongst other objectivees, it foresees the launch of a Thematic Annual Programming (TAP) instrument for a better alignment of national research and innovation priorities in the field of cultural heritage and hydroclimatic extreme events. It will also conduct an impact analysis of project actions on the widening policy of the European Commission.
SD-WISHEES is structured around 6 work packages. It is coordinated by Dr. Antonio Lo Porto (CNR, IT), who has a deep understanding of the Water JPI as he represented the EurAqua network ( in the Water JPI’s Advisory Boards (SAG) for the last few years.
SD-WISHEES is funded by the Horizon Europe – widening work programme.