
Biannual report of Water JPI activities

Numerous activities have been carried out during the second semester of 2022.  

The IC4WATER Project on international cooperation has come to an end in June 2022; all deliverables have been submitted to the European Commission as well as the final reporting. The final evaluation of funded projects was held on the 9th February 2023 and the Coordination and Secretariat team is currently thinking on how to valorise the results of those projects.  

Many efforts have been directed at the representation of the Water JPI in international events as part of the WaterWorks2017 Project. Our initiative was invited to present its international activities during the 5th India-EU Forum in October, it organised a side event on valorisation during the Ecomondo conference that took place in Rimini (Italy) in November, and it presented its strategy on international cooperation and future action plan during the ASEMWater conference also in November. Participation to all these events have not only contributed to reinforcing contacts with strategic countries and initiatives but also to enhance the international dimension of the Water JPI. Let’s note the interest of WaterWorks2017 partners to organize a showcase event in autumn 2023, and following the final evaluation of funded projects in spring 2023, to highlight some of the results with potential policy and/ or market uptake.  

The AquaticPollutants Project has continued activities for the Thematic Annual Programming (TAP), which gathers several national funding agencies around the theme of water pollution. As decided recently, the mid-term evaluation of funded projects will be carried out in spring 2023 back-to-back to the final evaluation of WaterWorks2017 funded projects.  

BiodivRestore funded projects continue their work. It is important to mention that partners from both Biodiversa and Water JPI, as organisers of the BiodivRestore joint call, have started discussions for the launch of a joint activity in collaboration with the Water4All and Biodiversity Partnerships. More information on the joint activity will be provided in a later edition of the newsletter.  

Last but not least, the SD-WISHEES Project on the impacts of hydrological extreme events on cultural heritage, and launched in the framework of a Widening call from the Horizon Europe programme, signed its Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement at the end of 2022. The kick-off meeting of the project will take place in Bari in March 2023 (further information in an article below). Likewise, the EcoDaLLi Project, funded by the Horizon Europe Mission on Restoring Oceans and Waters, also signed its grant agreement at the end of 2022. The Water JPI will participate in this project as observing member, therefore contributing to the establishment of a governance for the Danube flagship project.  

No new calls for proposals will be launched for the time being by the Water JPI as the funding of research and innovation will be within the remit of the Water4All Partnership. However, there is a strong willingness from the Water JPI community to work on the valorisation of results from funded projects and to support the Water4All Partnership in the implementation of its activities. The presence of the Water JPI in the Water4All consortium as an observing member will ensure the permanent transfer of the key lessons and good practices accumulated by the initiative since its launch in 2011. 


Esther Díez Cebollero, Water JPI Coordinator