Biodiversa and Water JPI 2020-2021 Joint Call: Kick-off meeting of BiodivRestore funded projects
Twenty-two Research and Development projects selected for funding in the BiodivRestore 2020-2021 Joint Call on the topic of “Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems” officially started their activities with an online kick-off meeting that took place on the 4th May 2022. Over 200 attendees including project coordinators, research team members, funding organisations’ representatives and invited speakers took part in the event.
These RD projects with a total budget of over 21,3 million Euros are academically excellent multidisciplinary projects, engaging many relevant stakeholders, and addressing pressing scientific and societal issues responding to the following non-exclusive themes:
- Studying the biological and biophysical processes at stake for conservation/restoration, and their interactions
- Assessing trade-offs and synergies between targets, benefits and policies for conservation and restoration
- Knowledge for improving the effectiveness and upscaling of conservation and restoration actions
The online meeting was intended to present the research plans of funded projects to a wider scientific community and foster interactions between the projects and the funding organisations. It was held back-to-back with the BiodivRestore clustering workshop, which provided a platform for collaborative activities among the research projects funded under various instruments of the EU, Biodiversa and Water JPI networks.
The booklet with the information on the twenty-two RD projects funded under BiodivRestore Joint Call is available for download here.
The presentation and the record of the meeting are also available on the Biodiversa website here.
More information:
Presentation used during the kick-off
Brochure of the cofund BiodivRestore call
Agenda of the kick-off