Zero pollution in drinking water
Following a decision by the Commission, drinking water across the EU will have to be monitored more closely for the potential presence of two endocrine disrupting compounds (beta-estradiol and nonylphenol) throughout the whole water supply chain. As required by EU rules on drinking water in force since last year, the Commission established a first ‘watch list’ of emerging compounds to monitor and address if needed.
Now that the watch list is established, Member States have until 12 January 2023 to put in place monitoring requirements throughout the drinking water supply chain, as well as take measures if guidance values are exceeded. Over time, if new substances emerge that are likely to be present in drinking water and could pose a potential health risk—such as endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals or microplastics—the Commission will add them to the list. This new mechanism will contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Chemicals Strategy S and of the Zero Pollution Action PlanS for a toxic-free environment. Read more.