
WaterWorks 2017 - 2018 Water JPI Joint Call mid-term review meeting

18 transnational research projects funded under the 2018 Water JPI Joint Call in the frame of the Era-Net Cofund WaterWorks2017 met online between 19-20 April 2021 for their mid-term review.

The Call addressed the thematic area “Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Sustainable Management of Water Resources” and the following themes were targeted:

  1. Enabling Sustainable Management of Water Resources;
  2. Strengthening Socio-economic Approaches to Water Management; and
  3. Supporting Tools for Sustainable Integrated Management of Water Resources.

It resulted in the funding of 18 excellent research projects in a total grant amount of over 15.2 million euros.

The purpose of the mid-term review meeting was to present the current development of the funded projects and provide the opportunity to the Project Coordinators, the Follow-up Group members and Funding Agencies to exchange ideas and feedback. The discussions after each session of project presentations allowed to foster coordination and future collaboration among all the projects.

More information on individual funded projects can be found here.

The Follow-up Group is composed by the members of the independent Call evaluation panel and the Water JPI scientific and technological board and is tasked with monitoring of the progress of the research projects throughout their lifetime, providing advice where needed on project implementation and contractual requirements.