
Knowledge Hub on UN SDGs kick-off

The 2nd Water JPI Knowledge Hub, which is addressing UN SDGs related RDI needs, kicked-off on the 3rd of December 2019 in Lisbon and was the first opportunity for the for the selected Seed Group to meet. By the end of the workshop, the participants had gathered a pool of exciting ideas, which will be evaluated to further develop the thematic scope of the KH and its implementation plan. It was agreed that the first output of the Seed Group should be a policy brief that will be supplemented by scientific outcomes and deliver clear-cut policy recommendations addressing international cooperation challenges associated with achieving SDGs related to water. Roberto Deidda (University of Cagliari, Italy) was chosen as the Scientific Coordinator of the KH and he will be assisted by Kevin McGuigan (Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland) in this task. Finally, the attendees agreed  on the acronym “WATER4SDGs”, which reflects the SDGs approach of the second Water JPI Knowledge Hub.